Sunday 13 January 2013

Giant duck at Darling Harbour!

This post is going to deviate a bit from my normal posts but I wanted to share with you what I did yesterday :) People who know me, know that I'm super lazy and I rarely make an effort to go out unless it's someones birthday or something special. I'm more of a homebody and I LOVE staying at home (as loner as that sounds...) but my boyfriend convinced me to spend a day out with him at Darling Harbour to see the giant duck.

Giant duck!

Giant duck!
The weather was predicted to reach up to 39 degrees yesterday but it ended up being really cold for most of the day. I looked like a hot mess with the heat, the cold and then the rain :P I didn't wear any makeup as I was running late to meet my boyfriend in the morning but it would've either melted off my face in the heat or washed off in the rain anyway.

We had lunch as Criniti's as I was craving their chips and aioli sauce but then I saw that they had mashed potato and I can never, ever go past a mash so we had both :P The mash was pretty average and the chips weren't as good as I remembered them to be... Please let me know if you can recommend any of the restaurants in the Darling Harbour area :)

Lunch at Criniti's
We then went to visit Madame Tussaud's as neither of us had been before. I can't believe that adult entries cost $38 each!!! It was totally not worth $38... luckily we had an Entertainment voucher that was a "buy one entry, get one free" deal so we only paid $19 each. I would've felt really ripped off if I'd paid the full price. We whizzed through the place really fast even though I was reading all the signs and information boards. We also took photos with all the wax figures and we probably only spend about 30-45 minutes in there.

The wax figures are all life sized so it was pretty amazing to see how tall some celebrities are. Miranda Kerr and Nicole Kidman towered over me!

Looks nothing like Oprah...

Kylie Minogue

Also, for people in Sydney, there's a place in Market City that sells American lollies and chocolate. I think it's probably better than Sugar Fix as we found candy corn, cheese whip and marshmallow fluff!

American Lollies.. my boyfriend also obviously never makes his bed...
Cheese in a can... similar to whipped cream.

And we obviously can't go out without me buying something for myself :P Morning Glory had 30% off TonyMoly products so I bought these super cute lip balms for just under $7 each. I was after the TonyMoly nail polish but neither of the stores that I went to stocked it.

TonyMoly lip balms

Peach and Cherry lip balms

And to finish up, here are some photos that my boyfriend tried to take for me to show you my outfit of the day. He got pretty sick of taking photos for me and told me that I was annoying haha so here's some terrible photos before we gave up :P

Outfit of the day.

Singlet: General Pants, Skirt: Cherry Culture,
Shoes: Havaianas, Bag: Oxford
And I've just realised that all my photo's look great normal sized but are a bit fuzzy when they're shrunken to fit into this post. I might go camera shopping... :)


  1. Ahhh, your giant duck pictures made me smile! I love your outfit, you look lovely!

  2. the duck is super cute!
    and youre so pretty! does the cheese in a can taste weird? xD


    1. Thanks :) The cheese in the can tasted really... oily? It's one of those things that's only good in small amounts :)

  3. I'm pretty sure we had the same duck in the Brisbane river last year haha. Also, I've had those cinnamon bun bites that you bought, and didn't really like the taste much, nothing at all like the real thing and tasted like cinnamon a bit too much lol.

    1. Oh no! I haven't tried them yet but I love the cinnamon bun/scroll things from Subway so I was hoping they'd taste ok.

  4. ohmygosh it looks like you were actually with Oprah! Haha
    That duck is so cute!

  5. looks like u didn't wear any makeup.. cute outfit! :)

    1. Yep! I went makeup free as I was running super late in the morning. Felt really really good to go makeup free :)

  6. The giant duck is so cool! The shop in Market City is real cool too, I spent ages in there last time I was in Sydney. I'd be interested to know if that cheese in a can is any good (I love cheese, haha).

  7. I could recommend trying Hurricane's Grill if you're into ribs and steak :P Well that's the only restaurant I seem to enjoy that is located at the harbourside.

  8. Ahh the giant duck has been all over my Facebook newsfeed! I desperately want to go see it - it's so cute!
    Oh and for restaurant recommendations - Blackbird is quite lovely :)

  9. OMG! I want a giant duck, not that I've got anywhere to put it...

    Btw, you look gorgeous without makeup! :)

  10. I loved reading this post :) that duck is so awesome! You look gorgeous without makeup too.

  11. Every time I see the giant duck I think it's fake LOL! It's so cute though! I really wanna go see it, but I don't think it's worth a trip to Sydney just for that (although I'm sure I could work out many other things to do, or should I say buy, on the visit hehe!)
    Yum I love mash too!!!

  12. So lucky it's summertime for you!
    I'm bundled up here in Canada.

  13. I love the duckling and your outfit :)
