Monday 1 April 2013

My week in photos :)

I've been super busy these last 2 weeks and I'm not ready to review the new products that I've been trying so I thought I'd share some photos that I took during the week with you instead :) It's a light and fluffy post :) A bit different to what I usually do...

Anyway, the Easter Show is currently on in Sydney at the moment and because I LOVE the show, I made my boyfriend go with me :) We spent the whole day wasting money on overpriced (but really yummy) food :P

Top: Half a kilo beef rib
Bottom Left: AMAZING Lemonade
Bottom Right: Country Women's Association scones and coffee

Diving and Racing Pigs at the Easter Show

Left: My boyfriend made me fried rice for a snack since I can't cook... :)
Right: The best vegetable laksa I've ever had

I also went to a uni cruise as some of my friends organised it.

Uni cruise
And that's it :) Short and sweet.

I'll be back with reviews soon I promise!


  1. Cool pics - that fried rice looks delish!

    Kayte @

    1. I wish I cooked it :P I can't cook so my boyfriend does it for me haha

  2. Can't wait to read your new reviews hun :)

  3. hi!! I've entered your giveaway competition and followed you on gfc!! I would really appreciate it if you could have a look at my blog and perhaps follow me back! Thanks!

    1. Thanks for visiting :) I'm always happy to check out other blogs and I'll definitely follow if I like it :)
